Category Landing pages
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Added On 21.01.2014
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LandingStrip - Landing Page

Bootstrap template LandingStrip - Landing Page
LandingStrip is a one-page introduction to your product. Designed to be straight-forward, easy to edit and quick to set-up for immediate use. It works instantly out of the box. Just un-zip it, and put in your screenshots. Open typography: Uses 'Open Sans' and 'Merriweather' fonts from Google Web fonts. Font-size/Line-height appropriate ratios. Responsive layout and tested across web browsers Contains Twitter Bootstrap version 2.1.0 and jQuery version 1.8.0 (minified) Uses Twitter Bootstrap's Carousel javascript component for the section that may contain your screenshots, use cases or testominals. Plug-and-play: LandingStrip's CSS is in a different file to allow easy editing, or for usage along other versions of Bootstrap HTML5: Classes can be used with HTML5 tags (i.e. header, section and article)
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